By becoming a member of the Chilliwack Outdoor Club you acknowledge and consent that limited personal information is collected for the Club’s functioning.  Your information is not shared or sold for any purpose outside of the club. 

We collect the following for use within the club:

  1. Email address – membership profiles are maintained based on individual email addresses, it will also be added to the club’s Google Group’s email list for club communication on events, meetings, etc.
  2. Phone numbers – used for member-to-member communication, for the use of trip leaders, and for emergency purposes
  3. Facebook name – used to identify, approve and cancel a club member’s participation in the club’s Private Facebook group
  4. Home City – used for car-pooling by trip leaders and members, and for club management/statistical purposes
  5. Birthdate – when accepting the club’s liability waiver your birthdate is required for the Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC insurance policy, and may anonymously be used for club statistics
  6. Your name, email address, Facebook name if you have one, phone number and city are published in our club membership list.  The list is accessible only to current paid members.